Saturday Morning Qigong

Begin your weekend with more energy and power using your breath, movement and flow.

Saturday mornings at 9:00 you can join me for Qigong practice. We’ll use several forms as taught by my teachers: Jeff Primack, Dr. Roger Jahnke, Master Wu, Robert Peng and others. These forms will be an energetic way to get ready for an awesome weekend!

We’ll also explore the natural energy structure of the body documented for several thousand years as Chinese Medicine.

And we’ll study the I Ching, the Book of Changes, and the Dao De Jing, Loa Zi’s ancient text of wisdom.

Classes are recorded so you can learn the forms easily and practice through the week.

You can join Saturday classes, and all other classes through the week, via Zoom for one low monthly subscription rate of $50. Or for an occasional drop-in class the monthly rate is just $25.

Here’s the page to register: