Remember, to achieve
health, peace, prosperity and a happy, long life: Qigong Is The Way!
I hope you are staying well, safe, strong and taking excellent care of yourself. For me a significant blessing of this time is Qigong and time, time to practice these disciplines and pathways to Spirit (the Dao).
One of several ways to remain strong and healthy is through daily practice of Qigong! It is the best way I know to boost the immune system through remaining calm and centered. Qigong is “inner work” in Chinese this is Nei Gong. Part of my daily practice is sitting with my breath and doing some traditional body movements while abiding in a meditative state. This too is Qigong.
If you are new and curious about Qigong, traditional Chinese practices for health and longevity, how to attend to that “inside work,” then give one of my classes a try. You can sample a recorded class when you give me your email address in the “sign-up box” to the right on this page.
Monday mornings at 9:00 Eastern Time (I’m in Maryland)
Saturday mornings at 9:00 Eastern
For 2025 I am offering these classes as a subscription at $50 per month. Subscriptions include all classes and recordings.
For those who cannot attend regularly but want to receive Zoom links you can subscribe using the “drop-in” rate of $25 per month.
If you are still unsure about this, drop me an email and I’ll send a trial link for a class:
Full subscription link: SUBSCRIBE
Drop-in subscription link: SUBSCRIBE
When you subscribe with your email I will send you the Zoom links. These links change on a monthly basis.
Stay calm, stay grounded, eat well, get plenty of rest, wash your hands often, keep your distance and wear a high-quality mask when you do go out in crowds! Yes, COVID is still out there.