At the quantum level
There is nothing,
Then there is something,
Then nothing, emptiness:
Reality Flashing in and out,
There then not.
At the atomic level
There is probability:
Matter is probably there;
We can see it, touch it,
Smell, taste, hear it.
Observation pins it.
At the DNA level
Quanta and atoms form
Base-pairs, form strands,
Double helix twists that
Probably exist to perform
Their replicating functions.
At the cellular level
DNA housed in chromosomes
Spin off proteins in hundreds
Of thousands of transactions
Per second, sustaining life,
Fitting neatly into the body matrix.
At the body level
The matrix of cells
Living, breathing, beating, dying
On an unimaginable scale
Of numbers and transactions
Numbing the mind to unconsciousness.
At the consciousness level
We can imagine all these levels
Humming, spinning, winking
In and out of existence, all
Across the Universe in no
Space-Time, sustained only by love!