
Greetings everyone! My wish for 2025 is that everyone of you continues to be safe, healthy, prosperous and centered in who  you are as a human being!

And if it feels right for you I invite you to join me on the quest for these life-qualities, especially that centeredness; it is always from the Center that all other qualities, values and meaning springs.

The vehicle for my journey, my quest, is Qigong. For me Qigong is not only a physical practice, a martial art; it is not only a meditation practice, a way to move inward; there is more to my practice than health for the body, calmness for the emotions, centeredness for the mind and a lifting of the spirit. Qigong is a life-practice to nurture every and all aspects of Beingness.

It is easy to join me on this quest!  I continue to offer all Qigong classes and related teachings by Zoom. You can join me in these live practices from anywhere; and you can practice using replays of the live classes any time.

For 2025, I have a year-long plan to begin slow and build toward a deep practice and understanding of the many benefits of Qi and Qigong. I hope you can join me.

To remain healthy, strengthen your immune systems and reduce stress in your life,  practice Qigong!
To remain centered and purposeful, practice Qigong!
To gain calmness, lift awareness and travel the inward path, practice Qigong!

You can join me and practice with me on a Zoom telecast:

Monday mornings at 9:00 Eastern time
Saturday mornings at 9:00 Eastern.

Not sure about Qigong? Join my mailing list and I’ll send you a free sample class.

If you are not receiving emails about these opportunities please add your name and email to my list using the form here to the right.

Jump to the class details here

Richard Bredeson

This site is dedicated to the study, practice and teaching of Qigong. For me Qigong is life giving, life saving, life extending and life enhancing. The forms, practices, meditations and deep wisdom, based centrally on The Dao and Daoism and a 5000 year history of advanced health and medical exploration, are essential in my life. I hope to help you see the many benefits to you and your life.

This site provides details on my Qigong classes offered online using Zoom.  All classes include video recordings for home study and practice.

I also provide here some background on Qigong, why it is such a powerful practice and how it works. I invite you to visit often to see what’s new, where and when I’m teaching and how Qigong may benefit you!


I have been practicing, studying and teaching Qigong for over 10 years. I was first certified to teach Jeff Primack’s Level 1 Form in the Spring of 2013. I have attended many of his workshops, intensives, national events and special classes ever since.

I continue to teach using the Zoom platform and have found it extremely effective. The teachers I follow and practice with are also using Zoom. The extra benefit is no driving! I don’t miss packing up equipment and driving to a studio with sufficient space to accommodate classes.

Jeff Primack continues teaching at events using Zoom. While remaining at home I have added to my skills, my ability to transmit those practices and forms and have added to my certifications. Through Jeff’s intensive Light Body Activation Program I am now qualified to teach all of his forms and breath practices. I achieved this through one-on-one consultations with him, receiving his corrections and special guidance to qualify to teach his forms to his exacting specifications.

Jeff has always had a focus on healing through food. He teaches a segment on Conquering Any Disease through nutrition and food at all of his events. During the fall of 2020, I was able to complete his online class work and managed to pass his rigorous 200 question exam within the 2-hour limit to qualify to offer his knowledge and latest research on Conquering Disease through food. I will be passing along some of this in my classes going forward.


In 2022, I completed the Awakening the Healer Within program with Roger Jahnke, OMD. I am now a graduate of the Institute of Integral Qigong and Tai Chi (IIQTC) and certified by Dr. Jahnke as a Medical Qigong Practice Leader.